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 Neuro Linguistic Programming

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Mohammed Shetela

عدد المساهمات : 22
نقاط : 68
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/06/2011

Neuro Linguistic Programming Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Neuro Linguistic Programming   Neuro Linguistic Programming I_icon_minitimeالسبت يوليو 16, 2011 7:55 am

What are the psychological engineering? The term proposed for Neuro-Linguistic Programming: NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming - is the instruction manual for the programming of the mind and thinking - is a general trend and the way the process leaves behind a locomotive of techniques - is the science of excellence and success is the science of change and influence - is a model and a structured way to find out the installation of the human soul and deal with the means and methods Mahhadddh so that they can influence decisively and quickly in the process of perception, ideas and feelings and thus in the behavior and skills and performance of human physical, intellectual and psychological

Mazasmit the way? The literal translation of the phrase: Neuro Linguistic Programming are: neuro-linguistic programming or programming language of the nervous system

Nervous (Neuro): Onhatgti any case with the brain and nervous system and how the device and process Chwiralamalomat Tkhozanhave memory and then call these experiences and the information again Aljhazalasba Vhoalve controls the functions of the body, performance and effectiveness Calcloc, thinking and feeling

Language (Linguistic): The way we use Chiraly Bhalgh senses and the language of words and how they affect your Mvahemnawalalaqh with the internal world, language is: a way to deal with others

Programming (Programming): means the ability to organize Alsouroasoat and senses, smell, taste, symbols and words in our minds and lead our behavior in the Unconscious, which Onalbermjh is a method of forming the image of the world in mind, in other words, we say that Mangar Mapzhen rights, the world is for him Sitagarabgd Alnzeramaihsal in the outside world, but how can change our minds? This Matjab about programming are science based on the discovery of many of the laws of reactions and catalysts intellectual, emotional and behavioral control actions and responses of people to different styles of personal and otherwise can say that it reveals to us the human world of procedure and its potential and give us the tools and skills we can identify the human personality and way of thinking and behavior and performance, values ​​and the obstacles that stand in the way of creativity and excellence and provides us with tools and methods can be positive change in human thinking and behavior, and his sense and his ability to achieve his goal all in accordance with the laws Tgeryibah can be tested and measured
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Neuro Linguistic Programming
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