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 Latest device to detect gold

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Mohammed Shetela

عدد المساهمات : 22
نقاط : 68
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/06/2011

Latest device to detect gold Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Latest device to detect gold   Latest device to detect gold I_icon_minitimeالسبت يوليو 16, 2011 7:57 am

Center announces Golden Gate Plus to vomit revealed gold in Turkey for the arrival of a new generation and developer of the metal detectors-edge technology, modern high-precision and effectiveness, a GOLDEN Gate developer designed and manufactured the device from the latest and most accurate advanced programs that facilitate the explorer process of detection and the search for minerals, gold and treasures , provided the highest quality and highest precision software, and also provided a system of GPS satellites and is working on several languages, including Arabic language to facilitate the detection process to analyze the type of the Arab user technology goals with three-dimensional measuring the depth of the target and determine its size. • large screen display high-resolution measurement of 14.5 cm / 5.7 "-type TFT LED • 12 channel integrated programs for GPS and navigation • storage and display all the data and analysis • store all data on the target and roads leading to and surrounding the location precisely. • Evacuated sensor Links respond to the analysis of all data targets accurately • CD-detection-type DD discover great depths • Battery type Lithium. • and much more and we will shed light on the characteristics of an integrated GPS 12-channel integrated to carry out all programs required job of it - to identify and save points the road on your route earlier during the detection to find it again - Save search sites and the above objectives - keeping all the data directly from: store 100 survey of GPS data storage 100 survey of surveys, targets three dimensions within the memory storage device 25 tracking system of the goals with the preservation Among the most important specifications for your GOLDEN JET: - show the depth and size of the target determine the type of metal gps-store all the data sites of potential targets of direct pressure on the button tracking system - Eetmisahma the ability to detect targets Golden, whether of gold natural (gold ore) or of the gold plant Kaltmathil and gold coins
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Latest device to detect gold
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