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كلام مواهب

يهتم بالطلبة والمعلمين والسادة أولياء الأمور ، وكل من يهتم بالعملية التعليمية
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 0.1 software

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Mohammed Shetela

عدد المساهمات : 22
نقاط : 68
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/06/2011

0.1 software Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: 0.1 software   0.1 software I_icon_minitimeالسبت يوليو 16, 2011 8:05 am

Overview and Introduction Sriahengh software: a branch of computer science aims to develop principles and rules that lead to improved methods of design and software development at all levels and in a way that meets the needs of the users software engineering do not bother writing the same program of any type blade but also to improve the development process and make the program starting specifications which are made by professional and ending when the problem of maintenance of the program or expand it is based on a study of user needs and design the appropriate program before the writing blade and taking into account several aspects such as the ability to develop the program easily later or speed or the ability to add extensions to him dynamically. History of software engineering: used software engineering as a concept in my from time to time in the late fifties and early sixties of the last century, the first use of this term in a conference held by the Scientific Committee of the Organization "NATO" in -1968 - on the software has taken the term spread Since the piece then and received increasing attention in various aspects conference was convened to address the so-called "crisis" software, which emerged due to the use of systematic thinking (software development process) when building software, which led to many errors during the process of building and maintaining software, and therefore become a software need to be a great time to develop and maintain and also to the cost of high financial rather than a Assessor her and after enduring the delay in the time and budget overrun the software is efficient weak in the completion of the required jobs, lack of efficiency, after meeting all the requirements as fully correct. The concept of software engineering: programming (software): something that is tangible to some extent compared with other products - a series of thousands or millions of orders that request from the computer perform certain operations such as displaying information, or perform calculations or store data, this software is a soul from the body in the computer system is in constant expansion and increased and requirements and tasks being carried out by the software engineering: the branch of engineering is based on a group basis and rules aimed at design of the program and the abundance of high quality to meet the needs of engineering. Characterized by that it does not need to be a large capital unlike the rest of the other branches of engineering. It also is not enough to create integrated software and good work of one person, but requires a team of engineers, the good has been necessary to create a flag means the software engineering to develop criteria and standards that safeguard the profession from spam bots so that it is possible to distinguish good program is not good. Software Engineering (in English: Software engineering) is the branch of computer science. aims to develop a set rules and principles lead to improved methods of design and software development at all levels; in a manner that meets the needs of users. Software engineering do not bother writing the same program code of any type, but trying to improve the process of developing and making the program starting from the specifications set by the professional, and at the end of the problem of maintenance of the program or expand it. It is based on the study of user needs and design the appropriate program before the writing encoded, and taking into account several aspects such as the ability to develop the program easily later, or speed, or the ability to add extensions it dynamically. [Edit] Engineering Albermjiatastkhaddmt software engineering concept is theoretical, while to another in the late fifties and early sixties of the last century. The first official use of the term was at a conference held by the Scientific Committee in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the 1968 software, this term has been taken to spread since then and received increasing attention in different ways. Conference to address the aspiring "crisis" software, which emerged due to the use of systematic thinking (Software Development Process) when building software, which led to the emergence of many errors during the process of building and maintaining software, and thus became the software need to be a great time to development and maintenance, and cost of high financial more than assessor them, and after enduring the delay in the time and budget overrun the software is efficient weak in the completion of the required jobs, lack of efficiency as well as not to meet all the requirements as full or \ and the right. [edit] Concept Engineering Albermjiatalbr.h (Software) is something intangible to some extent compared with other products, a series of thousands or millions of orders that require the computer perform certain operations such as displaying information, or perform calculations, or data storage. This software is a soul from the body in the computer system is in constant expansion and increased complexity and requirements and tasks that are being implemented. The software engineering is the branch of engineering based on a set rules and principles aimed at designing and developing programs in abundance and quality to meet the needs of users, this branch of engineering features that do not require large capital and thus the loss in which a few Unlike the rest of the other branches of engineering, as not enough to create integrated software and good work of one person, but it requires a team of good engineers. It was necessary to create a flag means the software engineering to develop criteria and standards that safeguard the profession from spam bots so that it is possible to distinguish good program is not good. [Edit] stages of building the system Albermgeevi software engineering, system building software is not just writing code, but is the process of production has several stages of basic and essential to getting the product, a program the lowest possible cost and best performance possible. These stages are called the name of the life cycle of the system software (Software Lifecycle), which may seem to some not related to programming. There are a lot of scenarios and models in software engineering describes the process of producing the program and the steps necessary to do so. Also, this session is subject to the development of always, where in addition to the sessions classic, The concept of the system flexible (Agile Process), which renounces the form of the fixed-system classic for more freedom of movement for the project. The following are the presentation of one of the most life cycles of the system software classic which was the cycle waterfall (Waterfall Model): [edit] Written Aldakhalahuthikh external conditions and external conditions are taken from the customer. The document contains the customer's requirements in terms of specification the program should be created. Then analysis of the requirements initially and then write a document containing the terms of an internal interpretation of specifications that the customer wants more accurately and in a manner consistent with the terms programmers. Customer requests may be inconsistent in this case, the reference document for the revision of the conditions. Then determine the number of hours needed to work and calculate the cost. [Edit] Althalilfa This process combines the information carefully and then determine the requirements and tasks to be performed by the program, and described these tasks, quite accurately, is also considering the feasibility desired from the program, The user, for example sets a vision for the program to the specific operations, The task of a software engineer at this stage is to draw these ideas and identified; so they are highly skilled in dealing with customers, and the ability of the analysis is correct. Produced at the end of this phase of a document called a table conditions and specifications Danamkamed [edit] Altsamamvi this stage, the software is divided into blocks defines the relations between these blocks are then placed appropriate algorithms for each block. At the end of this process to be ready to code the encoding process, and are chosen language or languages ​​of programming appropriate for this program. [Edit] Altermazathol previous algorithms to a language code, and make sure it is correct for each block of the blocks. Then converted to machine language, which deals with the computer only. [Edit] Testing and Altalahtgma the blocks together and test the system to make sure his consent to the schedule of terms and conditions, especially if the blocks have been written by several members of the team. [Edit] Altoticoha an important stage of build a system where the software is documented internal construction of the program; for the purpose of maintenance and development. Usually preferred to be accompanied with documentation of each stage of the previous and subsequent stages, and that there is a special group interested in the process of documentation of all the problems and solutions that can arise during the building code. Without documentation may reach the stage of code to the factory is no longer able to follow-up after maintenance and development; which increases the financial cost and time for that code to the limits of unexpected, or in other words, the failure to build software with high quality and long life cycle. There are more than one way to document - a document the programmer to be possible to add comments within the code code. - Document the analyst no documents to explain the program cycle and the succession of the documentary. - Documentation of the laboratory system and the imbalance is to score points in the program. -........... Etc.. [Edit] Maintenance and Alttaiwiran this stage is the longest stage in the life of the system software for the survival of the system is able to keep up with developments and modern equipment, a part of this stage is to correct errors, and the other part is in development and add new techniques. These steps also note similar to the steps in the production of other Alengaat. [Edit] the difference between programming and engineering Albermjiatalbermjh is to write the code, considered by some as the most important process in building programs. Things do not bother programming Kaljdoy of the program, or the user has the ability to accept, or even scalability. While the software engineering work to build the system software as a system, and are studying all aspects: construction software, technical support and maintenance, marketing and sales, development and training to use it, so can build large systems for use system team work while programming the individual fails to so . [edit] different fields related to engineering Albermjiatariyaziat: contains most of the program on the elements of mathematics, such as (algorithms) so the developers of this type of program they are familiar with many aspects of sports. Science: The program has specifications scientific record many, such as performance and size program and the diversity of loads. network speed mathematical equations to the rules of modern methods Albeanatalenghaltsnaa: software is a set of steps. Each step are identified and implemented accurately. Like many industries, to improve and develop product lines and access to the quality required. Project Management: whether commercial or non-commercial, it needs to be managed. Such as: timetable and cost allotted to it. Human factors and management of resources such as office computers.
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